Saturday, April 4, 2009

hey dad

I never blamed you for leaving. I never did. I always had a surprisingly adult view of the break up, knowing that if two people are so completely unhappy together, then they should split and try and be happy again. It was never that part that bothered me, and i would like to get that out.

What bothered me was that after a while, you stopped making an effort to see us every week. And even once you got your own house, ten minutes away from us, we were invited over for tea once a week, but never on weekends, just to hang out. You never asked us to do things with you on random weekends... And Andrea it affected more than any of us, and you never organised stuff to do with her in the school holidays. And it really got to me.

I am coming to realise now though, that as I grew up, I stopped making an effort to see you too, in a sort of weird way of trying to get you back. And all the while i kept blaming you, even though now it was my fault too.
And since I told you that i was pregnant, and your absolutely ecstatic reaction, I am starting to realise that while our relationship has never been perfect, there are good parts that can be salvaged. And I am starting to hope that if we both try, we can fix at least part of this.