Monday, October 5, 2009

5 things.. from Kim

So Kim tagged me and wanted me to say 5 things that make me feel fab/sexy/beautiful...

not a lot makes me feel sexy right now at 8 and half months pregnant, thats for sure! lol but things that always make me feel fabulous..

1. Cooking something delicious. I love cooking, and i love having people appreciate my cooking.

2. New hair colour ALWAYS makes me feel great, especially when its something really different than I had before.

3. A swim in the sea

4. Getting dressed up, and Nate telling me i look beautiful, which he does every time I wear heels. its so easy to please some people! lol

5. funky scarves. i don't know why, but i have a few that i wear out in winter, and for some random reason i always feel a bit special wearing a cool scarf!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

4 am...

Well i think my body is preparing me for parenthood, as its 4am, and i'm wide awake.. and have been for the last 2 hours. what IS this?!
I've been a total whinger about pregnancy the last few days.. i am so over it, and never being comfortable, and not being able to be selfish and go out and party cos i want to.
buuuut... then i hear about people who have really horrid pregnancies and realise mine has been a breeze in reality. Gosh i just want a healthy baby and want to meet him or her soon. And i really should stop complaining. My poor fella doesn't know what to say when i get all whingey and teary but i guess he couldn't imagine the CRAZY amount of hormones flooding through my system these days..

in other news... he has been in the big smoke this weekend and i had to stay home cos i couldn't face the long drive, which of course has made me more emotional being separated from him, but while he's been there he's talked to our friend and mentor Brad, the leader of our church at marion to see if its okay for him to marry us on this very weekend next year. And got us pencilled in for our reception! SCARY! now we need to magically come up with a deposit in 7 days hahaha looks like a bit of crawling to our dad's for some little loans.. is it ever ending...

anyway, i guess i better attempt at getting some more sleep. God knows i need it! mmmsleeep
and while i'm at it, i will remember that pregnancy is starting to get hard, but i must stop complaining so much, cos it could have been SOOO much worse...